University of Nottingham

 Nottingham in Parliament Day

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What is the secret to getting better faster?

At Nottingham in Parliament Day, the Centre for Healthcare Technologies hosted one of the University of Nottingham's Research Futures workshops: The future of healthcare technologies: What's the secret to getting better faster?

Louise Scull, Chair of Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, chaired a panel of experts, from academia, healthcare and industry, to explore the challenge of speeding up access to technology and share some solutions, to the audience of policy-makers, funders and businesses.

Read the event summary

Panel discussion led by Louise Scull

Panel (left to right): Professor Steve Morgan (University of Nottingham and CHT Director); Beth Beeson (CHEATA Director and Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust), Dr Mark Campbell (National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE)), Dr Darren Clark (CEO, Medilink East Midlands), Dr Matthew Clemence (Senior Scientist, Philips Healthcare), Professor Ian Hall (University of Nottingham and Direct of NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre), Louise Scull (Chair of Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust)