University of Nottingham

About the Centre for Healthcare Technologies

The Centre for Healthcare Technologies (CHT) is a unique collaboration between The University of Nottingham and Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. Working with all stakeholders, the CHT addresses major healthcare challenges through technology innovations, creating a pathway from science through to clinical application with the aim of rapidly translating scientific discoveries into healthcare.

Integrating excellence through collaboration

The University of Nottingham (UoN) and Nottingham University Hospitals Trust (NUH) have an excellent and well established track record of collaboration in medical device research and development.

The CHT cements this, bringing together multidisciplinary teams involving researchers, patients, clinicians, industry and policy makers, and provides a centre for the research, development and adoption of innovative technology into healthcare.

The University and the QMC hospital - close proximity makes excellent collaborations

 Accelerating access to medical innovations

Society is facing major healthcare challenges with an ageing population and a rapid increase in chronic diseases: innovative technologies will play a huge role in addressing these challenges. This was recognised in the Government's Accelerated Access Review (report October 2016): to ensure that NHS patients benefit from earlier access to innovative diagnostics and medical devices.

With our excellent regional collaborations, and support to local industry, the CHT is well-placed to address the challenges and help lead the global race for life sciences investment by making the UK the best place for 21st century medical innovation and product development.