University of Nottingham


Sept 23 newsletter thumbnail

Issue 16 - September 2023

  • £1.4m to track lung health in cystic fibrosis patients
  • New anti-biofilm polymer plastics set to save lives
  • Unlocking sustainable pharmaceutical manufacturing with HydRegen
  • SPARX online therapeutic game to improve access to mental health support
  • Award for OPAD group for assistive and rehabilitation devices
  • Human Factors group recognised for anaesthesia guidance
  • Janet Bouttell makes the case for early Health Technology Assessment
  • Sube Banerjee appointed Pro-Vice-Chancellor
  • TherageniX spin-out company launched to deiver gene therapy during bone repair surgery
  • PeptiMatrix spin-out company launched with new platform to replace the use of animals in research
June 2023 Newsletter thumbnail

Issue 15 - June 2023

  • New tool to predict risk of developing lung cancer
  • Smart wound sensor trials begin
  • MEG wearable brain imaging developments
  • Bacteria-killing material to tackle hospital superbugs
  • Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition - Revolutionising Rehabilitation 
  • SAPhe project dissemination event
  • Roger Knaggs elected President of British Pain Society
  • Janet Bouttell joins CHEATA as new health economist
  • Locate Bio awarded US FDA breakthrough device designation
  • £1.1m investment and US trade mission for NuVision Biotherapies  
March 2023 newsletter

Issue 14 - March 2023

  • Chair in Emerging Technologies for Melissa Mather
  • AI to tackle antibiotic resistance
  • Bio-instructive materials for woundcare and surgical meshes
  • Toolkit for manufacture of 3D printed medicines
  • Additive manufacture for facial prostheses
  • Newly discovered material to prevent biofilm formation
  • ORBIT trial finds online treatment for tics safe and effective
  • Value proposition for exoskeletons in the NHS
  • Grant success for SurePulse
  • Investment in Neupulse for Tourette's wrist device
  • Investment in CercaMagnetics brain imaging
Dec 2022 newsletter

Issue 13 - December 2022

  • Nottingham becomes ABHI partner city
  • £23.3m award to NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre
  • £7.5m to support National Biofilm Innovation Centre
  • Access to auditory nerve offers hope for deafness
  • New material discovered that helps diabetic wounds heal
  • CHEATA event on pathway to procurement for NHS medical devices
  • £3.4m investment in spinout BlueSkeye AI for mental health diagnosis
  • Brain imaging research recognised by award for young scientists
Sept 2022 newsletter

Issue 12 - September 2022

  • Wellcome Leap In Utero award to reduce stillbirths
  • Supporting posttraumatic growth in experiences of psychosis
  • New material for surgical dressings to enhance melanoma healing
  • New health economist for CHEATA
  • Human Performance Lab open day
Newsletter June 2022

Issue 11 - June 2022

  • NIHR Clinical Research Facility
  • REF healthcare technologies success
  • 11.7 Tesla MRI scanner award
  • Predicting complications from concussion injuries
  • Digital sleep intervention for children with ADHD
  • Brain stimulation therapy network for mental health conditions
  • COBRA robot for cancer surgery
  • Molecular map of skin layer creates treatment pathways
  • Clinical trial of Tourette device
  • Electrical stimulation to treat stroke-related swallowing problems
  • Microwave sensor for portable PCR
  • SurePulse recognition
Newsletter March 2022

Issue 10 - March 2022

  • DEMISTIFI project
  • UK National Robotics Proving Ground
  • Turing development award
  • Reliability of pulse oximeters
  • Sight recovery in stroke survivors 
  • Rehabilitation event
  • Simulated clinical testing
  • Awards for Dan Clark, Matt Brookes, SurePulse 
  • Jonathan Van-Tam
Dec 2021 newsletter

Issue 9 - December 2021

  • Reducing animal use in implantable medical devices
  • Data infrastructure to support pain research
  • Addressing skills gap in bioscience industry
  • Training mental health and neuroscience professionals
  • Lab grown tumour models for pancreatic cancer treatment
  • Moor instruments MIB
  • Launch of Biodiscovery Institute
  • Recognition for Barrie Hayes-Gill, Praminda Caleb-Solly, Adam Berrington, Shellie Jean Radford, Cerca Magnetics
Newsletter issue 8 Sept 2021

Issue 8 - September 2021

  • Disruptive sensing and fabrication platform to identify and monitor diseases and drugs
  • AI software to help clinicians diagnose lung cancer earlier
  • Non-invasive brain stimulation for mental health
  • Adolescent mental health in the digital world
  • New partnership to help diabetics to manage their condition
  • Personalised 3D-printed pills and devices to improve care
  • Wearable brain scanner to help pinpoint the source of epileptic seizures in children
  • Spin-out company launched to deliver device to control Tourette's
June 2021 newsletter square

Issue 7 - June 2021

  • Trio of success for healthcare technologies networks
  • Wearable brain scanner to examine elderly drivers
  • Catheter with built-in antibiotics to reduce infection risk in people on kidney dialysis
  • World's first fibre-optic ultrasonic imaging probe
  • Long-term impacts of debilitating lung disease from Covid-19
  • Material-topography for regenerative medicine applications
  • Extended reality in healthcare
  • Fibre-optic respiratory rate sensor

 Previous issues of the CHT newsletter and news archive